Judgments and Appeals
Lords judgments not mentioned on this page are not available electronically. They may be available in law libraries or can be consulted in the Parliamentary Archives searchroom.
The Parliamentary Archives cannot assist with records of the Supreme Court, which replaced the House of Lords as the highest appeal court after 30 July 2009; contact the Supreme Court direct.
House of Lords Judgments
- Selected Lords judgments, 1709 to 30 July 2009
BAILII (British and Irish Legal Information Institute) website
(Free service, text of the judgments)
- All Lords judgments, 14 November 1996 to 30 July 2009
Parliament website
(Free website, text of the judgments)
- Supreme Court judgments, 30 July 2009 to present
Supreme Court website
(Free website, text of the judgments)
Accessing House of Lords Judgments offline
The Parliamentary Archives holds printed copies of Appeal Cases, including judgments, from 1702 to 2009.
If you are able to access them, you may also find copies of House of Lords Appeal Cases at Lincoln’s Inn Library, The Advocates Library in Scotland and the Library of Congress in Washington, USA.