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Supreme Court IT Implementation Programme
Scoping file created by Her Majesty's Civil Service for the relocation of the House of Lords' Judicial functions. File includes job description for judicial clerk, a couple of agendas and correspon...
Supreme Court Business Processes
This file was created in preparation for moving the Judicial Office to the Supreme Court, included are several internal reports concerning the transfer of the petitions system, the petitions of app...
Notes on the Judicial Office's staff structure.
Annual Judicial Office Reports
Includes records about staff, accounts of workload and productivity.
Butterworths Costs Services Whitebook
Contains internal discussions about the filming of Judicial Office proceedings.
Computer IT
Correspondence regarding setting up information systems, including a strategy study for House of Lords, setting up an IT steering group and minutes, correspondence regarding Legal Information Netwo...
Correspondence regarding; request for word processers in Judicial Office, whether the House of Lords will apply the provisions of the Data Protection Act, setting precedents for Data Protection, de...
Procedure file covering the copyright of using House of Lords Judgements online.
File documents the agreements and procedures for the Judicial Office sitting whilst Parliament is in dissolution.
Judicial Statistics
File contains a range of statistics relating to the Judicial Office from 1998 - 2005.
Judicial Office Duties
File contains details of internal procedures for the office such as the duties and activities of the clerk. Also enclosed are some handwritten notes which detail specifically the duties of William ...
Law Lords-Appointment and Introduction of Addressing
File regarding the Law Lords' increasing work load and discussions about increasing the number of Law Lords in the House of Lords.
Law Clerks
File collated by the office regarding procedure for hiring judicial assistants.
Printing – Judicial Office’s contract with Her Majesty’s Stationery Office (HMSO)
File contains memorandum on how appeal documents are to be lodged in House of Lords and correspondence with Federation of Master Printers regarding costs of printing House of Lords appeals. This co...
File contains reference policy guidelines booklet for records management; reports and documentation on management of the Judicial Office records e.g. binding and disposal.
Robing Room
Memo about when the Lords sat in the Robing Room.
Audit Review – Staff
Precedent file containing the House of Lords Training and Development Strategy 2004-5 and an Audit Review of Staff Recruitment and Employment of Temporary and Agency Staff.
Supreme Court Proposal – 2003 Announcement
File contains press notice and statement to the House about proposed changes to the office of Lord Chancellor; printed material in response to question of how Judges of proposed Supreme Court could...
Records of the House of Lords: Parliament Office: Judicial Office: Pinochet Papers
Regina v Evans and another and the Comissioner of Police for the Metropolis and others (Appellants) ex part Pinochet (Respondent) (On Appeal from a Divisional Court of the Queen's Bench Division) R...
Records of the House of Lords: Parliament Office: Judicial Office: Pinochet Papers
Regina v Evans and another and the Comissioner of Police for the Metropolis and others (Appellants) ex part Pinochet (Respondent) (On Appeal from a Divisional Court of the Queen's Bench Division) R...
Records of the House of Lords: Parliament Office: Judicial Office: Pinochet Papers
Regina v Evans and another and the Comissioner of Police for the Metropolis and others (Appellants) ex part Pinochet (Respondent) (On Appeal from a Divisional Court of the Queen's Bench Division) R...
Records of the House of Lords: Parliament Office: Judicial Office: Judicial Office’s Precedent papers
These records were collated by the Judicial Office to document precedent and changes in internal procedure. After discussions with former staff it was decided to create a stand alone series for int...
European Communities Committee, 1974-1999: Sub-Committee E: Law
HL/PO/CO/EC/E contains records of Sub-Committee E on Law. The records of each Parliamentary Session may be found in a separate series. Where the records of a sub-committee carry on across session...
File contains notes and correspondence regarding the Lords of Appeal sitting during a prorogation, correspondence with Lord Chancellor's Department regarding sittings during prorogation, notes rega...
Appeal Committee in Prorogation and Dissolution
Precedent file concerning the practice of Appeal Committees not meeting during prorogation and dissolution.
Text of the Crimes Bill
The introduction to this volume quotes an extract from a letter from Professor L Radzinowicz, Director of the University of Cambridge Department of Criminal Science, 1953 explaining the importance...
Law Lords
File contains correspondence (letters, emails and memoranda) discussing and making decisions around travel expenses and allocations to Law Lords and Members. Material also discusses travel expenses...
Supreme Court Proposal 2003-Implementation Team
Mixed file regarding the Supreme Court Implementation programme. This programme was led by the Department for Constitutional Affairs but the Judicial Office, Committee Office and Clerk of the Parli...
Vacation of Proceedings
File contains; Petitions to Vacate; Allegation that Judgement Obtained by Fraud, Petition to Leave, Vacation of a Judgement (allegation of Judicial Bias). Notes attached indicate file was used in c...
Papers relating to Spencer Perceval (1762-1812)
These documents relate to Spencer Perceval's role as Attorney-General.
Truro Manuscript Collection
This fonds contains 7 sub sub series. They are divided into General Legal Notebooks, the Bathurst Notebooks, Judge's Notebooks, Lord Chancellor's Notebooks, Chancery Notebooks, General Manuscripts ...
Records of the House of Lords: Black Rod’s Department
HL/BR contains the papers of Black Rod and his assistant the Staff Superintendent. HL/BR/1-HL/BR/2 contains the main run of office files which deal with the daily business of the department, parti...
Letter from Sir Samuel Romilly concerning Parliamentary Law
Letter from Sir Samuel Romilly concerning parliamentary law. Addressed to 'My dear Sir', the letter continues 'The question which you put to me however is one upon which if I were consulted profes...
Appellate Jurisdiction (History)
Contains; Judgement Procedure - Proposed Changes; Non Judicial Work (work with Committees); Historical notes on the Appellate Committee and Historical Notes on Acts.
Reports: Master Copy – 2007-2008
This file contains master copies of Chairman?s draft reports circulated to the Committee.
Records of the House of Lords: Parliament Office: Parliament Office
The Parliament Office Papers were, for the most part, the surviving records of offices and clerks in the Parliament Office before the creation of the Record Office in 1946. The bulk of the collect...
Records of the House of Lords: Parliament Office: Judicial Office
The records represent the work of the Judicial Office and that of the Law Lords which it supports.
Appeal Committee Memoranda may be found in HL/PO/JU/1. Appeal Committee Draft Reports may be f...
Correspondence and papers of Sir William Allen Jowitt (1885-1957), Earl Jowitt
Records of William Jowitt, lawyer, politician and author, including correspondence with colleagues and acquaintances, transcripts of speeches on legal or political issues, newspaper cuttings relati...
Records of the House of Lords: Committee Papers
The Committee Papers include some of the records of two main House of Lords Select Committees (European Communites Committee/European Union Committee and Science and; Technology Committee), particu...
Opinions of Sir Vicary Gibbs
A collection of his opinions, transcribed and selected from the numerous volumes of manuscripts which Gibbs left behind him.
Records of the House of Commons: Justice Committee: Administrative Records
The Administrative Records series contains a range of records used by the committee to administer, document and carry out its functions. The series may include such records as agendas, formal/infor...