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Law Lords – Salaries, Expenses
File contains correspondence regarding the salary for a retired Commonwealth Judge sitting in the Appellate House of Lords, salary for an additional Law Lord, salary scales and expenses.
Law Lords – Role of
File contains printed and photocopied material including printouts of articles, lectures and seminars regarding the salaries and duties of the Parliament Office, the role of the Judicial Office, th...
Law Lords – Retired
File contains correspondence regarding retired Law Lords' pensions, retirement age, sittings and fees.
Law Lords – Public Business
File contains photocopied and printed material and correspondence regarding Law Lords' participation in public business, the rights and duties of the Law Lords as legislators, Law Lords and politic...
Law Lords – Precedence List
File contains correspondence and printed material regarding precedence at judicial sittings in the House of Lords.
Law Lords – Termly Meeting
File contains minutes, statements, memoranda and correspondence around the Law Lords termly meeting in December 1996. This is largely printed or photocopied material, and also includes an applicati...
Law Lords – Sitting on the Woolsack
File contains material on how Law Lords should operate before, during, and after sitting on the Woolsack. Includes photocopy of hand-drawn diagram showing the seating arrangements, and printed corr...
Law Lords – Secretaries Assistance
File contains correspondence and arrangements within the Judicial Office for the employment of secretarial assistance. Includes blank timesheets, comments by the Clerk of Parliaments, and a forecas...
Law Lords – Scottish (HC Questions)
File contains letters and replies from the House of Commons and House of Lords regarding Scottish Law Lords and Scottish Appeals. File also contains published orders of the day when questions regar...
Leave to Appeal
This is a procedural file regarding Leave to Appeal. This was collated by the office as a precedent file and was used when referencing former procedures.
Leap Frog
Procedure file regarding the practice and use of 'leap-frog'.
Lay Peers
Correspondence with Lay Peers regarding their right to take part in Judicial proceedings.
Law reporters and law reporting
Correspondence regarding practice of reporting House of Lords Judicial cases with external publishers including; The Royal Courts of Justice and The All England Law Reports. Includes correspondence...
Law reform committee
File contains correspondence and copies of reports regarding proposes for law reform.
Law Lords – obituaries and tributes on retirement
Obituries for Law Lords. Some were written by the Judicial Office, others are clips from Hansard and newspapers.
Legal Aid – Scotland
File includes working papers on Legal Aid (Scotland) Act 1986 and Regulations and Act of Sederunt (Civil Legal Aid Rules) 1987; S.19 Orders; Correspondence on the procedure under Legal Aid (Scotlan...
Legal Aid – Criminal
File regarding Criminal Appeals (Fees and Expenses) Regulations, 1960 followed The Legal Aid and Advice Act,1949 .
Kay and others and another (FC) (Appellants) V London Borough of Lambeth and others (Respondents): costs.
File concerning Kay and others and another (FC) (Appellants) v London Borough of Lambeth and others (Respondents). The letter clarifies that it is for the House to decide between parties who should...
Legal Aid Act 1988-S.18 Orders
Precedent file discussing particular cases before the House of Lords which were affected by the Legal Aid Act 1988. Covers S.18 orders, Legal Aid Board Objections and Civil Legal Aid Regulations.
Legal Aid Act 1974, S.13 Orders
Procedure file which includes discussions on how to apply this particular order during court sessions.
Legal Aid – General
General working file on Legal Aid.
Use of London Agents
Discussions about the use of London Agents for those respondents/appellants who are outside London, when their case is in front of the House of Lords.
Law Lords-Books and Legal Asst.
File concerning the Law Lords requirements for books and legal assistance with the House of Lords Library.
Precedent file regarding the pronuniciation of Multlepoinding.
Judicial Minute (and Journal Entries)
Discussions on layout of Minute, how/whether to include items, moving to 'computerisation', inclusion of withdrawal of petitions/appeal entries, format and divergence of judicial and public business.
File on Anonymity, Minors - order under Children's and Young Persons Act 1933 to prohibit identification and Scottish equivalent, Interlocutory Orders covering: how cases involving minors should be...
Matrimonial Causes
Correspondence with Law Lords and Lord Chamberlain over repealing sections of 1881 and 1925 Acts related to matrimonial causes.
Maintenance: Mackey v Monks 1916
File contains one summary of the original case and how it was then brought to appeal by the Court of Appeal in Ireland because they were testing legality of the Secretary of State imposing regulati...
File contains correspondence and working papers on the supply of opinions to law libraries, law firms and members at a cost and embargos, editing opinions, opinions to counsel (before judgement), l...
Oath Taking
Correspondence regarding Law Lords taking the Oath either in the House of Lords Chamber or during a judicial sitting. Includes correspondence about the Duke of Kent taking his oath during a judicia...