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Public Act, 5 Henry VIII, c. 17
An Act for a Subsidy to be granted to the King.
Public Act, 5 Henry VIII, c. 7
An Act that Strangers buy no Leather but in open Market.
Public Act, 5 Henry VIII, c. 8
An Act concerning the Grant of the King's general Pardon.
Public Act, 5 Henry VIII, c. 6
An Act that Surgeons be discharged of Constableship and other Things.
Public Act, 5 Henry VIII, c. 5
An Act concerning Juries in London.
Public Act, 5 Henry VIII, c. 4
An Act for avoiding Deceits in Worsteds.
Public Act, 5 Henry VIII, c. 3
An Act that White Cloths under Five Marks may be carried over the sea unshorn.
Public Act, 5 Henry VIII, c. 2
An Act concerning White Cloths in Devonshire.
Public Act, 5 Henry VIII, c. 1
An Act concerning Administration of Justice in the City of Turneys. ["Debts to Merchants of Tournai, etc. in France" in the Chronological Table of the Statutes]
Public Act, 6 Henry VIII, c. 20
An Act for Confirmation of Letters Patents made by the King to the Duke of Suffolk.
Public Act, 6 Henry VIII, c. 23
An Act for the Assurance of the Manors of Hanworth, and other Lands, to the King and his Successors.
Public Act, 6 Henry VIII, c. 24
An Act concerning the King's General Surveyors.
Public Act, 6 Henry VIII, c. 22
An Act of Restitution for John White, Clerk.
Public Act, 6 Henry VIII, c. 21
An Act of Restitution for Sir Edward Belknap.
Public Act, 6 Henry VIII, c. 25
An Act of Resumption of divers Offices, Annuities and other Things.
Public Act, 6 Henry VIII, c. 17
Act concerning the River in Canterbury.
Public Act, 6 Henry VIII, c. 19
An Act for Confirmation of the King's Grant made to the Duke of Norfolk.
Public Act, 6 Henry VIII, c. 18
Act concerning Under-sheriffs in Bristol.
Public Act, 6 Henry VIII, c. 16
Act concerning Burgesses of the Parliament.
Public Act, 6 Henry VIII, c. 15
Act avoiding Second Letters Patents granted by the King.
Public Act, 6 Henry VIII, c. 14
Act concerning the King's Subsidy for Tonnage and Poundage.
Public Act, 6 Henry VIII, c. 13
Act avoiding shooting in Cross Bows.
Public Act, 6 Henry VIII, c. 12
Act that Norfolk Wools be not carried out of this Realm.
Public Act, 6 Henry VIII, c. 10
Act concerning Commissions of Sewers.
Public Act, 6 Henry VIII, c. 11
Act concerning the bringing in of Bow-staves into this Realm.
Public Act, 6 Henry VIII, c. 9
Act avoiding Deceits in making of Woollen Cloths.
Public Act, 6 Henry VIII, c. 8
Act concerning Clothes called White Straits.
Public Act, 6 Henry VIII, c. 7
Act concerning Watermen on the Thames.
Public Act, 6 Henry VIII, c. 6
Act concerning Felons and Murderers.
Public Act, 6 Henry VIII, c. 5
Act concerning pulling down of Towns.
Public Act, 6 Henry VIII, c. 4
Act for Proclamations to be made before the Exigent be awarded into foreign Shires.
Public Act, 6 Henry VIII, c. 2
Act for Maintenance of Archery.
Public Act, 6 Henry VIII, c. 3
Act concerning Artificers and Labourers.
Public Act, 6 Henry VIII, c. 1
Act of Apparel.
Public Act, 6 Henry VIII, c. 26
Public Act, 7 Henry VIII, c. 7
An Act concerning the King's Revenues.
Public Act, 7 Henry VIII, c. 9
An Act for a Subsidy to be granted to the King.
Public Act, 7 Henry VIII, c. 11
The King's general Pardon.
Public Act, 7 Henry VIII, c. 8
An Act for Reformation of the French Queen's Jointure (on marriage to the Duke of Suffolk).
Public Act, 7 Henry VIII, c. 6
The Act of Apparel.
Public Act, 7 Henry VIII, c. 10
An Act concerning the Staple at Calais.
Public Act, 7 Henry VIII, c. 3
The Act for Penal Statutes and Actions popular.
Public Act, 7 Henry VIII, c. 4
The Act for Avowries.