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Appeal Committee – History & Reform
File regarding the history of the committee, anniversaries, reform, appointment etc.
Precedent file concerning bail. Includes history of practice, policy and examples of precedent.
Precedent file of the Judicial Office managing bankruptcy.
Bail (Current Procedure)
Precedent file concerning bail.
Law Lords Authorities
Correspondence regarding the authority of Law Lords.
Precedent file concerning Arbitrators
Appendix Contents of Cases
Precedent file concerning the practice of Appendixes in Appeal Cases.
Appellate Committee – reports
Precedent file concerning Appeallate Committee reports - includes a joint opinion paper.
Blom Cooper
File contains details of a research project looking into the judicial records of the House of Lords over fifteen years, which resulted in a book. Covers access of records and closure periods.
Cause Titles
Correspondence relating to the practice directions for neutral citations, cause titles and inadmissable petitions. Includes external correspondence to the Royal Courts of Justice, Butterworth Telep...
Cases (Includes Cases in Criminal Appeals 1987)
Procedure file covering reducing the number of cases, bound files, preparation of documents and form of cases lodged.
Child Abduction-Hague Connection
Procedure file concerning how long petitions take and changes to procedure.
Competency Scotland
Memorandum and notes of cases, appeals and extracts from legislation on competency of Scottish appeals.
Competency Criminal
Includes a petition seeking leave to appeal to House of Lords, correspondence regarding change of practice, discussions about issuing certificates for cases of public importance and if appeals coul...
Competency civil petition
Correspondence regarding practice direction for civil petition.
Competency civil appeals
Advice given by Judicial Office for cases in Greece and Ireland.
Joint Working Party on Civil Courts
Correspondence regarding setting up a joint working party on civil courts and topics for consideration.
Contempt of Government Act
Procedural file regarding Sardar Tejendrasingh and Contempt of Government Act 1981. File collated to document internal policy regarding allowing leave to appeal.
Contains practice directions in the case of contempt of court.
Precedent file regarding consolidated/conjoined cases.
Consolidation – Bills Committee
Correspondence about a potential member for the Consolidation bills committee.
Conditional Leave
Precedent cases regarding conditional leave to appeal
Conditional Fee agreements
Procedure file regarding conditional fees.
Precedent file regarding Donald Campbell v Pollack: Preliminary Point which was lodged on costs alone.
Contempt – Lonrho
Precedent file relating to an appeal case between Lonrho and the Al Fayed brothers. The issue of contempt was brought up and this file is a scoping document to understand the existing precedent.
Costs – Submissions at judgement
Procedural file concerning costs and submissions of judgement.
Costs – Proposals to amend practice
Procedure file concerning costs.
Costs – Petition for Leave to Appeal
Procedure file concerning costs and Petitions for Leave to Appeal.
Costs – Interest on costs
Procedure file concerning costs and interest payments.
Costs – Historical notes
Procedure file concerning costs.
Costs – Criminal
Procedure file concerning costs.
Cross appeals
Correspondence and case law regarding refusal of petition for leave to present a cross appeal, appeals out of time, security in cross appeals.
Correspondence and previous case law regarding criminal petitions for leave, involvement of prisoners, procedure for setting down appeals. Includes decisions by the principal clerk regarding proced...
Court of appeal
Correspondence regarding turning judgments of House of Lords into orders.
Court of appeal
Correspondence regarding transcripts of judgments and applications for leave to appeal to Court of Appeal.
Correspondence and decisions reached regarding policy of having one Counsel, increase of fees for Counsel, two Counsel rule inquiry and abolition, attendance of Counsel, swearing in of QCs, fixed h...
European Court of Justice
File concerning processes and procedures put in place for when the House of Lords was to refer a case to the European Court of Justice.
Equality of Votes
Precedent file to document internal discussions regarding an incident when between the judgement hearing and the sentencing, a member of the panel had passed. This sparked discussions around the eq...
File contains details about the procedures and protocol for dress in and around the House of Lords for the judges and their staff.
File contains correspondence, memorandum and case studies relating to the length of time given to apply to the court of appeal during divorce cases.
Mixed file regarding Judicial Committees' new jurisdiction in relation to devolution issues arising under the Scotland Bill, The Governments of Wales Act and the Northern Ireland Bill.
Defamation of Members
File containing correspondence, newspaper clippings and Hansard entries regarding the amendment to the Bill of Rights under the Defamation Bill 1996. The amendment would allow members to waive parl...
Death of a Sovereign and other members of the Royal Family
Instructions on how the Law Lords should dress and the adjournment of the Judicial Committee in the wake of the death of a monarch or member of the Royal Family.
Procedures regarding waiver of fees, discussion and procedures regarding change in judicial office fees.
Precedent cases regarding extradition. Correspondence with Home Office regarding fees including a list of countries with 'no cost of proceedings', 'all costs' and 'with no provision' in relevant tr...