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Public Act, 19 Henry VII, c. 4
An Act against Shooting in Long Bows.
Public Act, 19 Henry VII, c. 3
For continuing 11 Hen.7.c.24 respecting Attaints until the next Parliament.
Public Act, 19 Henry VII, c. 2
An Act for the Encouragement of bringing Bow Staves into this Kingdom.
Public Act, 19 Henry VII, c. 1
For Attendance upon the King in his Wars.
Public Act, 19 Henry VII
An Act for Attainder of L. Audley, E. Suffolk, E. Warwick.
As part of the Prepare and Move Project in September 2022, a letter dated 28 March 1504 was found amongst the acts of 1503, ordering Robe...
Public Act, 19 Henry VII, c. 9
An Act for Process upon Actions on the Case
Public Act, 19 Henry VII, c. 24
An Act for holding the Sheriffs Tourn at Chichester and Lewes alternately.
Public Act, 19 Henry VII
An Act concerning Creekes
Public Act, 1 Henry VIII, c. 18
An Act for Confirmation of Letters Patents made to Queen Katherine, for her Dower (An Act for Assuring lands to Queen Katherine).
Public Act, 1 Henry VIII [no Royal Assent]
A Bill for Hunting, not passed the Royal Assent.
Public Act, 1 Henry VIII, c. 20
An Act for a Subsidy to be granted to the King.
Public Act, 1 Henry VIII, c. 17
An Act for the Assignment of Money for the King's Great Wardrobe.
Public Act, 1 Henry VIII, c. 19
An Act for the Restitution of Robert Ratcliffe, Knight, Lord Fitzwalter
Public Act, 1 Henry VIII, c. 15
An Act concerning Lands made in Trust to Empson and Dudley.
Public Act, 1 Henry VIII, c. 14
An Act against wearing of costly Apparel.
Public Act, 1 Henry VIII, c. 13
An Act against carrying out this Realm any Coin, Plate or Jewels.
Public Act, 1 Henry VIII, c. 12
An Act for Admittance of a Traverse against an untrue Inquisition.
Public Act, 1 Henry VIII, c. 11
An Act against Perjury.
Public Act, 1 Henry VIII, c. 10
An Act that no Lease shall be made of Lands seised into the King's Hands but in certain Cases.
Public Act, 1 Henry VIII, c. 8
An Act against Escheators and Commissioners, for making false Returns of Offices and Commissions.
Public Act, 1 Henry VIII, c. 9
An Act for the taking of Toll at Staynes Bridge, for the repairing thereof.
Public Act, 1 Henry VIII, c. 7
An Act concerning Coroners.
Public Act, 1 Henry VIII, c. 6
An Act for repealing of a Statute concerning Justices of Peace.
Public Act, 1 Henry VIII, c. 5
An Act for the true Payment of the King's Customs.
Public Act, 1 Henry VIII, c. 4
An Act that Information upon Penal Statutes shall be made within three years.
Public Act, 1 Henry VIII, c. 3
An Act concerning Receivers.
Public Act, 1 Henry VIII, c. 2
An Act concerning the making of Woollen Cloth.
Public Act, 1 Henry VIII, c. 1
An Act for repealing of a Statute for fishing in Island.
Public Act, 1 Henry VIII [no Royal Assent]
A Bill against Privy Seals and Letters, not passed the Royal Assent.
Public Act, 3 Henry VIII, c. 22
An Act for Confirmation of Letters Patents made to Queen Katherine, for her Dower (An Act for Assuring lands to Queen Katherine).
Public Act, 1 Henry VIII, c. 16
An Act for the Expences of the King's Household
Public Act, 3 Henry VIII, c. 15
An Act concerning Hats and Caps.
Public Act, 3 Henry VIII, c. 22
An Act for Two Fifteenths and Tenths to be granted to the King.
Public Act, 3 Henry VIII, c. 16
An Act for Confirmation of a Feoffment made by Thomas Earl of Surrey to Henry Duke of York and others
Public Act, 3 Henry VIII, c. 18
An Act for Confirmation of a Grant made by the King of certain Lands to William Compton.
Public Act, 3 Henry VIII, c. 21
An Act of Restitution for Elizabeth Martyn.
Public Act, 3 Henry VIII, c. 19
An Act of Restitution for John Dudley, Son of Edmond Dudley.
Public Act, 3 Henry VIII, c. 20
An Act of Restitution for Thomas Herte
Public Act, 3 Henry VIII, c. 14
An Act for the searching of Oils within the City of London.
Public Act, 3 Henry VIII, c. 12
An Act against Sheriff's for Abuses.
Public Act, 3 Henry VIII, c. 11
An Act concerning Physicians and Surgeons.
Public Act, 3 Henry VIII, c. 10
An Act against buying of Leather out of the open Market, being not well tanned, or unsealed.