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Public Act, 4 Henry VIII, c. 23
An Act that Sir Robert Southwell, and Bartholomew Westby, shall be the King's General Receivers of all his Honours, Castles, &c. (An Act concerning Sir Robert Southwell) [Surveyors of Crown Lands i...
Public Act, 3 Henry VIII, c. 13
An Act against shotting in Cross-bows [Act regulating shooting with crossbows].
[The Act restricted the right to use the cross-bow to lords and to owners of land to the yearly value of 300 marks (...
Public Act, 4 Henry VIII, c. 12
An Act concerning Covenants between the Countess of Devon, Sir William Knevet, and others. [An Act for Confirmation of an Indenture made between Katharine Countess of Devon and Sir William Knyvett.]
Public Act, 4 Henry VIII, c. 12
An Act concerning Covenants between the Countess of Devon, Sir William Knevet, and others. [An Act for Confirmation of an Indenture made between Katharine Countess of Devon and Sir William Knyvett.]
Public Act, 4 Henry VIII, c. 15
An Act of Restitution for Thomas Empson, Son of Sir Richard Empson.
Public Act, 4 Henry VIII, c. 14
An Act of Restitution of Thomas Wyndham, Son of Sir John Wyndham.
Public Act, 4 Henry VIII, c. 11
An Act for Confirmation of an Indenture made between Katharine Countess of Devon on the one Part, and Sir Hugh Conway on the other Part.
Public Act, 4 Henry VIII, c. 10
An Act for Confirmation of an Indenture made between the King on the one Part, and William Courtney late Earl of Devon, and the Lady Katherine his Wife, on the other Part.
Public Act, 4 Henry VIII, c. 8
The Act concerning Richard Strode, for Matters reasoned in the Parliament.