Letter from Sir Samuel Romilly concerning Parliamentary Law
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- Held At: Parliamentary Archives: GB-061
- Catalogue Reference: HL/PO/RO/1/18
- Accession Number: 3081
- Former Archival Reference: Historical Collection 401
- Date: 3 Feb 1816
- Level: File
- Extent: 1 sheet
- Creator Name: Romilly; Sir; Samuel (1757-1818); Knight, Statesman and Law Reformer
- Administrative or Biographical History: At the time Sir Samuel Romilly was MP for Arundel. The Attorney General was Sir William Garrow (1760-1840), MP for Eye (1812-1817). The Solicitor General was Sir Samuel Shepherd (1760-1840), MP for Dorchester (1814-19).
- Acquisition: Purchased from JLM Gulley, Manuscripts Dealer, April 1995 and accessioned 26 Jan 1996. Accession number 3081.
- Description: Letter from Sir Samuel Romilly concerning parliamentary law. Addressed to 'My dear Sir', the letter continues 'The question which you put to me however is one upon which if I were consulted professionally I should decline giving any answer. I have made it a rule ever since I have been in Parliament not to answer any cases that related to parliamentary law.' Romilly goes on to comment on the Attorney General and the Solicitor General.
- Terms:
- Language: English
- Access Status: Open
- Physical Description: Manuscript
- Copies Exist: There is a typescript transcription with other information about the document. This is located in the same folder as the letter.
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