Parliament Act, c. 13
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- Held At: Parliamentary Archives: GB-061
- Catalogue Reference: HL/PO/PU/1/1911/1&2G5c13
- Date: 1911
- Level: File
- Extent: 1 Act of Parliament
- Creator Name: House of Lords; Public Bill Office; 1849-
- Category: Acts of Parliament/Laws/Legislation
- Description: The Parliament Act 1911 asserted the supremacy of the House of Commons by limiting the legislation-blocking powers of the House of Lords. Provided the provisions of the Act were met, legislation could be passed without the approval of the House of Lords. Additionally, the 1911 Act reduced the maximum permitted time between general elections from seven years to five years.
The Act was a reaction to the clash between the Liberal government and the House of Lords, culminating in the so-called "People's Budget" of 1909. A mandate for constitutional change was achieved after the Liberals won two general election victories in 1910, and King George V agreed to create hundreds of new Liberal peers to neutralise the Conservative majority in the Lords if necessary. It was not necessary, as on 10 August 1911, the House of Lords passed the Parliament Act by a narrow 131-114 vote. A
- Access Status: Open
- Access Conditions: This record contains information of outstanding constitutional or historical importance and access to the original document is restricted. Requests to view will be dealt with by providing access to a copy.
- Reproduction Conditions: Copies should be made from the digital surrogate of this record.
- Copies Exist: A digital copy of this record is available. For information about how to view it, which may include online access, please follow the link below.
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