Public Act, 6 Anne, c. 11
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- Held At: Parliamentary Archives: GB-061
- Catalogue Reference: HL/PO/PU/1/1706/5and;6An14
- Date: 1706
- Level: File
- Extent: 1 Act of Parliament
- Category: Acts of Parliament/Laws/Legislation
- Description: An Act for an Union of the two Kingdoms of England and Scotland ["Act of Union with Scotland"].
The Act ratified the Articles of Union of England and Scotland. It established Great Britain, with Anne as queen and ensured a Protestant succession. In addition, the Scottish Parliament was abolished, and Scottish representatives (45 MPs and 16 peers) were to sit in the Parliament at Westminster. The Act also established free trade between the two countries. However, Scotland and England retained their own legal systems. Their established churches also remained separate. - Terms:
- Related Material: For the Articles of Union see HL/PO/JO/10/6/106/2307. For the "Act for rendering the Union of the two Kingdoms more intire and complete" see HL/PO/PU/1/1707/6and;7An7. For the microfilm copy of this Act see MIC/6091.
- Access Status: Open
- Access Conditions: This record contains information of outstanding constitutional or historical importance and access to the original document is restricted. Requests to view will be dealt with by providing access to a copy.
- Reproduction Conditions: Copies should be made from the digital surrogate of this record.
- Copies Exist: A digital copy of this record is available. For information about how to view it, which may include online access, please follow the link below.
- URL:;6An14
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