Public Act, 27 Henry VIII, c. 26
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- Held At: Parliamentary Archives: GB-061
- Catalogue Reference: HL/PO/PU/1/1535/27H8n24
- Date: 1535
- Level: File
- Extent: 1 Act of Parliament
- Category: Acts of Parliament/Laws/Legislation
- Description: An Act for Laws and Justice to be ministered in Wales in like Form as it is in this Realm.
The Act, also known as the Act of Union with Wales, the Union of Wales, and the Statute of Wales, was the result of a series of laws passed in the English Parliament between 1536 and 1543. Wales had been under the control of the English Kings since the reign of Edward I (1239-1307) and had been ruled as a principality, under the heir to the English throne (Prince of Wales). Following Henry VII's victory over Richard III at Bosworth (War of the Roses), stronger links were forged between the England and Wales because many of Henry's followers were Welsh. Henry VII's son, Henry VIII became concerned about Welsh loyalty following the English Reformation and the split from the Roman Catholic Church. To protect his borders from foreign-backed Catholic invasion, Henry VIII looked to bring Wales more firmly under English control. As a result, the Act of Union was established by a series of laws passed between 1536 and 1543. Union gave Wales parliamentary representation in Westminster (the home of the English Parliament), however it imposed English law and the English language upon the Welsh. - Terms:
- Language: English
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- Access Status: Open
- Access Conditions: This record contains information of outstanding constitutional or historical importance and access to the original document is restricted. Requests to view will be dealt with by providing access to a copy.
- Reproduction Conditions: Copies should be made from the digital surrogate of this record.
- Physical Description: As part of the Prepare and Move Project in September 2022, five loose membranes were located which according to the the Statutes of the Realm belong to this act. They were subsequently reunited with the act.
- Copies Exist: A digital copy of this record is available. For information about how to view it, which may include online access, please follow the link below.
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