Main Papers
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- Held At: Parliamentary Archives: GB-061
- Catalogue Reference: HL/PO/JO/10/1/23
- Date: 20 Mar 1624 - 8 Apr 1624
- Level: File
- Description: This record contains:
20 March 1624 -- Draft of "An Act for the better repressing of drunkenness and restraining the in-ordinate haunting of inns, alehouses, and other victualling houses."
20 March 1624 -- Draft of "An Act concerning probate of suggestions in cases of prohibition."
20 March 1624 -- Draft of "An Act for naturalizing of Philipp Burlamachi of London, merchant."
20 March 1624 -- Draft of "An Act for naturalizing of Giles Van de Put of London, merchant."
20 March 1624 -- Petition of Mary Lough, sister to Edward Barton, Esquire, late Ambassador to Queen Elizabeth of famous memory, and the Agent in Turkey for the Turkey merchants, administratrix of his goods and chattels. The Levant Company refuse to pay the late Ambassador's charges. Petitioner prays assistance from their Lordships.
1 Catalogue of the special services rendered by Barton in protecting Christians.
22 March 1624 -- Petition of parishioners of St. Katherine's Christchurch, alias Creechurch, next within Aldgate, London. That the Master and Fellows of Magdalene College, Cambridge, may be directed to repair the chancel of the church.
1 Another petition to the same effect.
23 March 1624 -- Draft of "An Act for the relief of patentees, tenants, and farmers of Crown lands and Duchy lands, or of lands within the survey of the Court of Wards and Liveries, in cases of forfeiture for not-payment of their rents or other service or duty.
24 March 1624 -- Draft of "An Act against depopulation and decay of farms and conversion of arable into pasture." Directed against the practice of pulling down farm houses and houses of husbandry.
1 List of Committee in the House of Commons.
25 March 1624 -- Last sheet of draft of "An Act concerning petty larceny and the punishment of the offenders therein."
2 April 1624 -- Draft of "An Act for the establishing of the lands of John Stratford upon John Hopkins, his heirs and assigns according to the several agreements between them touching the same."
1 List of Committee on the Bill in the House of Commons.
3 April 1624 -- Draft of "An Act for continuance of the Statute made in the 7th year of the King's Majesty's reign against burning of linge and heath and other moor burnings in the county of York, Durham, Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmoreland, Lancaster, Derby, Nottingham, Leicester, and the Dominion of Wales at unseasonable times of the year, and for some addition to be made thereunto."
1 List of Committee on the Bill in the House of Commons, with minutes of proceedings.
3 April 1624 -- Draft of "An Act concerning the purveyance and taking of horses, carts, and carriages by land or by water for His Majesty's service."
1 List of Committee on the Bill in the House of Commons.
3 April 1624 -- Draft order respecting fines imposed by the House.
3 April [1624] -- Petition of Sir Gilbert Hoghton, Knight; that Sir Wm. Cockayne, mortgagee of the manor of Walton in le Vale, Lancashire, may, in order to save litigation, be called upon by the House for an account of his receipts, etc., and thereupon, after satisfaction of his just claims, ordered to re-convey the residue of the said manor to petitioner.
5 April 1624 -- Petition of the House of Commons to the King for severe measures against Popish recusants. Sent up for concurrence of the Lords.
7 April 1624 -- Draft of "An Act for the general quieting of the subject against all pretence of concealments whatsoever."
7 April 1624 -- Draft of "An Act to prevent and punish the abuses in procuring process and supersedeas, and for the peace and good behaviour, out of His Majesty's Courts at Westminster, and to prevent the abuses in procuring writs of certiorari out of the said Courts for removing of indictments found before justices of the peace in their general sessions."
7 April 1624 -- Draft of "An Act against such as shall levy any fine, suffer any recovery, knowledge any statute, recognizance, bail, or judgment, in the name of any other person or persons not being privy and consenting thereto."
1 List of Committee on the Bill in the House of Commons.
7 April 1624 -- Petition of Philip Page, prisoner in the Fleet, in consequence of unjust decisions against him in courts of law, obtained in one case by the influence of Sherborne and Day, two servants, upon their master, the Lord Chancellor St. Albans.
8 April 1624 -- Draft of "An Act for the restitution of the possession, and the establishing and settling, of the manor of Prees, and other lands in the county of Lancaster, unto Robert Wolferstone, Edmond Wolferstone, and Charles Wolferstone, and the heirs of the said Robert, according to the conveyances to them thereof, made by John Skillicorne, and for the reversal and making void of a decree and other orders made in the Court of Chancery against them in the behalf of the said John Skillicorne touching the said lands."
1 Narrative of the case.
2 List of Committee on the Bill in the House of Commons.
3 Names of members added to Committee.
8 April 1624 -- Draft of "An Act for the establishing of the possessions unto Dame Marie Buckley, widow, of all and singular the messuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, leases, and terms for years hereafter mentioned, and for the restoring to her the rents, profits, and arrearages thereof, and every part thereof, according to her right and title in the same."
1 Narrative of the case.
8 April 1624 -- Petition of Thomas Norton, gentleman, surveyor of His Majesty's ways. Is unable to keep the highways in repair in consequence of the many defects in the statutes relating thereto. Prays for a committee to inquire into and correct the same. - System of Arrangement:
Some documents may have been removed from this file to the Parchment Collection, the Large Parchments or the Parchment Main Papers. Where this has occurred it is noted in brackets in the descriptions above. Please see relevant entries in the Parchment Collection (HL/PO/JO/10/2), Large Parchments (HL/PO/JO/10/3) or Parchment Main Papers (HL/PO/JO/10/4) for further details. - Related Material: For a related record: See Journals of the House of Lords for the same date for entries relating to the laying of these papers.
- Access Status: Open
- Finding Aids: Finding Aids
Calendared in HMC 3rd Report, pp 29-30
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