European Communities Committee, 1974-1999: Sub-Committee E: Law
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- Held At: Parliamentary Archives: GB-061
- Catalogue Reference: HL/PO/CO/EC/E
- Date: 1974-1984
- Level: Sub sub sub sub fonds
- Extent: 11 series
- Creator Name: House of Lords; European Communities Committee: Sub-Committee E (Law); 1974-1999
- Administrative or Biographical History: Sub-Committee E was set up to examine matters relating to law. It met regularly when the House of Lords was in session to conduct inquiries either on the scrutiny of EU documents or into subjects chosen by the sub-committees from within their field of activity. The sub-committee was assisted by clerks and by consultant specialist advisers appointed for their expert knowledge of the subject under inquiry. It operated in the same way as other select committees of the House of Lords and the House of Commons, by inviting written and oral evidence from government departments, Community institutions and other interested bodies and individuals in order to consider a wide range of points of view before reaching conclusions. Draft reports setting out conclusions and recommendations were then prepared and agreed by the sub-committee, then approved by the Select Committee before they were published.
- Acquisition: The records were transferred to the Parliamentary Archives in a series of deposits.
- Category: Unpublished Select Committee papers
- Description: HL/PO/CO/EC/E contains records of Sub-Committee E on Law. The records of each Parliamentary Session may be found in a separate series. Where the records of a sub-committee carry on across sessions they have been placed with the records of the first session.
- Terms:
- Accruals: No further accruals are expected.
- Related Material: Pre-2000 related material may be found in HL/CP; records of this committee after the 2000-2001 Parliament may be found HL/PO/CO/EU.
- Access Status: Closed
- Access Conditions: Most closed files are closed for a period of 30 years at the point of transfer. Requests to see these files will be considered in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
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