Papers of Timothy Michael Healy, KC
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- Held At: Parliamentary Archives: GB-061
- Catalogue Reference: HEA
- Accession Number: 1461
- Former Archival Reference: Historical Collection 190
- Date: c1928
- Level: Fonds
- Extent: 5 boxes
- Creator Name: Healy; Timothy Michael (1855-1931);
- Administrative or Biographical History: Timothy Michael Healy (1855 - 1931) was a Politician and first Governor General of the Irish Free State (1922-28).
- Acquisition: Transferred from the Beaverbrook Library, April 1975. Accession Number 1461
- Category: Personal/Political Papers
- Description: Drafts and proofs with own corrections of "Letters and Leaders of My Day", Healy's autobiography published 1928.
- Terms:
- Language: English
- Related Material: A set of an early proof (clean copy) was filed in the Beaverbrook papers (BBK/C/167a & b).
- Access Status: Open
- Reproduction Conditions: The Beaverbrook Foundation owns the copyright to these papers. Permission to reproduce should be sought in the first instance from the Clerk of the Records of the House of Lords Record Office.
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